Permitted Development


Not quite all London building work requires an application for planning permission. This is because some types of work fall under “permitted development rights”, where the permission has already been granted, albeit by Parliament rather than the local authority.

Nonetheless, the subject of exactly where permitted development rights apply can be complicated. For this reason, we invite you to contact one of our planning consultants, who can help you to unravel the tangles.

Whether you are considering undertaking domestic or commercial development work in London, contact us to see if you can benefit from permitted development coverage.


There is no blanket definition of exactly where permitted development rights lie. This is because these rights can be restricted or even nonexistent when it comes to certain properties or areas. Therefore, you need professional advice on whether your London building project would be eligible.

For example, if your London home is in a Designated Area like a Conservation Area, your permitted development rights may have been limited or taken away through an Article 4 direction aimed at helping to preserve the local area’s distinct character.

Even when these rights are in place, a wide range of conditions can apply. For example, an extension built under these rights must comprise materials “similar in appearance” to those used elsewhere in the home, unless that extension is a conservatory.

Contact us with details of your project, and we can help you to determine whether or not you would need to seek planning permission.


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Planning legislation is a regularly changing beast, and so it has continued to prove with the introduction of new permitted development rights in July 2020. These new rights, which entered force the following month, were aimed at streamlining the planning process for building new homes.

The UK government has introduced automatic planning permission for building self-contained flats atop particular existing, purpose-built blocks of flats. Nonetheless, these upwards extensions will be required to satisfy certain criteria as well as receive “prior approval”, where a local planning authority is allowed to confirm that the work is acceptable. The government is also now letting “vacant and redundant” office buildings be demolished and rebuilt as homes under permitted development.

A planning consultant from Eazyplans can inform you of recent changes in permitted development rules and how you could be consequently affected.


The rules around permitted development can seem simple - sometimes deceptively so. Here are some further details that could dissipate lingering myths.

Sadly, yes, it can - as your permitted development allocation applies to the property rather than its owner. Therefore, space added by former owners since 1948 is counted, too.

This term is likely being used in reference to the home as it was first built or as it existed on 1 July 1948. All permitted development requirements apply to this “original home”.

Yes, this is true - as any building work on those could more easily impact neighbouring properties. Therefore, you would need to seek planning permission for this work.

This is a type of permitted development where the local planning authority has to be informed in detail about the development before it takes place.

In theory, if that proposal fully complies with the regulations, no. However, if you aren’t pursuing prior notification, you are still advised to apply for a Lawful Development Certificate (LDC).

It would confirm that your proposal complies with the regulations and so ensure that the local planning authority could not rule after construction that your project is not permitted development.

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