Change of Use in Mayfair

Case Study

Change of Use in Mayfair


August 25, 2020



Job Type

Change of Use

From a Workplace to a Home

As a famously affluent area of London’s West End, Mayfair is resplendent in high-end residential properties. The Eazyplans team recently helped add to them when we were asked to obtain the planning permission necessary for one block of commercial offices in Mayfair to be repurposed as a prestigious home. The client knew it would not be easy for them, at least independently, to obtain this permission known in planning jargon as “change of use” – and this is why they turned to our experts, who are thoroughly experienced in the change-of-use application process.

We dipped into our specialist expertise to help ensure the client could switch the office block to a new “use class”. We prepared the application on the client’s behalf, knowing what strategies, in the past, have tended to result in successful applications.

To the delight of both our team and the client, the change-of-use application we readied and submitted for them was indeed a success. It met the local council’s approval and paved the way for the client to proceed with renovation work that would ultimately culminate in a new residential solution. The change-of-use approval alone unlocked extra value in the property – no small benefit given Mayfair’s fiercely competitive housing market, where property prices scale significant heights.

The Challenges We Overcome

We knew that the whole process of turning this property into a commercial building was not going to be easy.

Though we were only directly involved in assisting the client with obtaining the change-of-use consent, that step alone was fraught with risks, as it had to account for the extensive conversion work that would take place within the property’s walls. As a commercial building, it comprised six storeys – more than enough for several offices which multiple different businesses could occupy. That number of storeys would not be lost in the transition to prestige home.

We also knew that the converted home would be a substantial one – but all of the relevant intentions for this building were included in the planning application.

The luxury client in this case was more than impressed with our efforts.

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